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Category: Investing basics

Following 5 months of gains, April will likely end with a first negative monthly return in 2024. This provides worry for a weak May also.
The Santa Claus Rally is a phenomenon in the stock markets that consists of a rise in stock prices from the last week of December to the first two days of January. The S&P 500 has averaged gains of 1.10% in retrospect during this rally. Will there be a Santa Claus Rally this year?
While the fundamental economic outlook remains positive for US markets, inflation and high stock multiples are wearing on investor sentiment. February could offer a reprieve for the market in the volatile mid-term election year.
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We have talked many times before on here about Green Energy, the trend to investing in renewables and how that ties in with important changes in how investments are made and structured, such as the impact of ESG. What we have always found is that there is a great deal of ‘spin’.
For those clients seeking income, we have a choice between US Government Bonds, Dividend paying stocks and Real Estate.
It is almost inescapable to read any financial journal these days and not be confronted by the word “inflation”. If we separate the underlying catalysts for current rise in CPI, we can determine that this is possibly a result of the economy reopening and nothing more sustained nor substantial.
China has had a pretty tough time of it recently, in terms of market performance. We think that this might provide for some opportunities to buy at prices that are more fair value than recent.
In a recent article, Blair Bowman, a personal friend of AVC Advisory, warned of what he saw as a ‘train crash’ approaching with regards to a growing trend for investors to buy Scotch Whisky Casks.
UK equities are trading at a discount to global peers of more than 40%. This has no equivalence within recent living memory. The UK is bouncing back from the twin hits of the Pandemic and Brexit, and with vaccination figures leading the way globally, it seems ripe for the UK economy to re-open and break out. Not to be outdone, the usually anemic Eurozone has seen a raft of positive figures after positive figures.
Entering a bullish period after a fake out breakdown overreaction after the FOMC last week. What to watch this summer and what is setting up for a run now.
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