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The above maxim has been attributed to some of the most feared and admired investment gurus in history – Rothschild, Soros, Buffett to name but three. Indeed, it is likely very sage advice, particularly with the benefit of hindsight of course. It seems that we may be at that point in the economic cycle when …

The Blood is in the Streets Читать далее »

Инвесторы, ориентировавшиеся на дивидендные выплаты от компаний, торгующихся в Великобритании, были довольны 2011 годом. Согласно Morningstar в секторе UK Equity Income, фонды увеличили дивидендные выплаты в среднем на 11.3%. Конечно же, были чемпионы в данном секторе, которые увеличили доходность в 2011 году в разы больше среднего. Нижеприведенные фонды инвестируют как малоизвестные компании, так и в …

10 лучших дивидендных фондов Великобритании Читать далее »

Today, I ran across an article in Market Watch, which argues a ‘contrarian point of view’ towards investing in Russia. An example of longer-term investment thinking based ‘buy when there is blood in the streets’, but the question is ‘will there be blood or should we buy now?’ Russia’s protests will create buying opportunity By …

Bullish on Russia Читать далее »

Два события на прошлой неделе оказались весьма позитивными новостями для рынков, особенно после прошедших непростых месяцев. По крайней мере, сейчас мы, наконец, наблюдаем глобальные меры, о которых так давно просили рынки. Сначала Китай весьма неожиданно сократил резервные требования к банкам на 0.5%, что знаменует начало смягчения монетарной политики КНР. Рынки отреагировали на эту новость бурным …

Внесет ли свою лепту Европа Читать далее »

This week sees the most critical meetings of the key personnel in the Eurozone since the launch of the physical currency almost 10 years ago. Arguably it is the most important meeting regarding currencies since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971. Without over-dramatising, we could be staring into the abyss of the …


Over the years, many clients have brought investments in life insurance policies to our attention as these have become popular as alternative investment funds. We have always been skeptical of the payouts and liquidity issues, but now two new court rulings show additional risks are involved. Investor beware! In light of two recent rulings by …

Viaticals, Life Settlements and STOLIs… sound Russian but they are not! Читать далее »

U.S. equity futures (/ES) soared this morning as the result of deals that were reached among Greek bondholders and European leaders. The bondholders agreed to a 50% haircut, and the rescue fund’s capacity was increased to $1.4T. In The US, investors continue to cheer the third quarter earnings reports and the recent string of stable …

EU Euphoria turns into market rally! Читать далее »

We will start with bit of humor about the industry we are in… Some (Western) Financial Advisers have always focused on the not so easy job of providing common sense to their clients. Recently, we found a post that took this activity to a new high (or low, depending on how you look at it!). …

Just warming up… Читать далее »

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