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Alan McGregor receives invitation to join GlobalScot business network from First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond

Alan McGregor have recently been invited to join the prestigious GlobalScot business network, which comes directly from the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond.

The network, which consists of around 700 members, all of whom are senior international business leaders and, according to the First Minister, make «an invaluable contribution to Scotlands’ continued growth».

Scotland is one of the leading countries of the global economy encompassing diverse sectors such as energy, digital sciences and, of course, financial services.

As a member of GlobalScot, I will have the opportunity to support Scottish companies looking to enter into Eastern Europe as well as helping advise Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development Internationals when shaping the strategy of the financial services industry which is of vital importance to the country.

The First Minister considers the GlobalScot business network to be an «elite force for Scotland.»


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